Cave-Gen 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Cave-Gen Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello Minecrafters,
This mod adds new world type – Caves. Living in these caves is difficult.
Resources are limited, ores are scattered and many monsters wait for their prey.
There are also biomes, called zones. The mod currently features four zones,
24 Ağustos 2013 Cumartesi
Craftable Animals 1.6.2 Mod
Craftable Animals 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Craftable Animals Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2/1.5.2.
Well minecrafters, This mod lets your craft animals using the items they drop.
You can craft all vanilla mobs. Even MoCreatures are available. There are some
animal related tools as well, such as the minimizer to turn animals into
Campfire 1.6.2 Mod
Campfire 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download The Campfire Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Well
minecrafters, This mod adds two Campfire types and Marshmallows to Minecraft.
With this Campfire you can burn Items in two burning slots, like in a
furnace.You can only burn food and wooden stuff in it. Ores cannot be burn! You
TukMC 1.6.2 Mod
TukMC is a HUD mod based on and
inspired by the World of Warcraft addon tukui Keybinds: Can be changed in your
controls menu, but by default they are K – Opens config screen GRAVE (~) – Shows
tooltips (ie; chatmessage timestamps and item info) Requirement: Minecraft Forge
Vazcore Installation: Installing Forge: Open your Minecraft
Diamond Meter 1.6.2 Mod
Endermen Don’t Pick Up Blocks 1.6.2 Mod
Endermen Don’t Pick Up Blocks
1.6.2 Mod For Minecraft 1.7.1 is the standard version, the Endermen have their
block moving ability disabled, but all their other abilities remain intact. This
version works for both clients and servers. How to install Endermen Don’t Pick
Up Blocks Mod for Dinecraft 1.6.2: 1. Download the version of Endermen Don’t
HD Player Skins 1.6.2 Mod
HD Player Skins 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 allows Minecraft to use 128×64, 256×128, 512×256, 1024×512
player skins in addition to the default size of 64×32. Any players using the mod
are able to see higher resolution skins on other players that have them, while
those without the mod are shown normally. How to install
Show Durability 2 1.6.2 Mod
Show Durability 2 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 makes any item than has durability of any kind display its
durability below its name whenever you mouseover it. Thats it, nothing more. How
to install Show Durability 2 Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2: - Go to your
‘…AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin’ folder (or where ever minecraft is installed
on Your
MoreStorage 1.6.2 Mod
MoreStorage 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 .2 – Download More Storage Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
Minecrafters, This mod is a mod that adds chest varients that serve different
functions such as expanding inventory, combination locking, or just pure
aesthetics. Sound interesting right ? want to download and install this
MoreStorage Mod 1.6.2 ? just
Highlands 1.6.2 Mod For Minecraft 1.7.1
Highlands 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Highlands Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
Minecrafters, Highlands adds many more mountains and hills than in vanilla
Minecraft. It includes many varied environments and sub-biomes that represent
features like mountains, lakes, forest clearings, valleys, and islands. All of
the trees’ saplings can be created in survival mode, so
Joypad 1.6.2 Mod
Joypad Mod is A modification
for the Minecraft PC game, allowing you to control the game with the USB
controller. Allows you to play Minecraft in Split-screen on a PC, and more
Joypad 1.6.2 Mod For Minecraft 1.7.1 Why would I use it? Besides the obvious
benefit of playing the Minecraft with the controller, you
Insta House 1.6.2 Mod
Insta House 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 adds blocks that when right clicked with a certain staff, will
transform into structures instantly. How to install Insta House Mod
for Minecraft 1.6.2: 1. Download and install forge. 2. Download Insta House. 3.
Drag ‘Insta House v’ into the ‘mods’ folder. 4. Run Minecraft and check
BigTrees 1.6.2 Mod
BigTrees Mod 1.6.2 – Download
Big Trees Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello minecrafters, The purpose of the mod is
to create immersive forest environments, inspired by forests they have been to,
yet modeled to suit the Minecraft universe. This mod mostly altering the tree
generator to make the trees much bigger. Sound interesting right ?
THX Helicopter 1.6.2 Mod
THX Helicopter 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download THX Helicopter Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
minecrafters! do you know Helicopter ? off course yes! with this mod you can add
helicopter to minecraft. THX Helicopter Mod is the perfect way to explore your
Minecraft world. The helicopter is equipped with both missiles and rockets
Zombe’s Mod Pack 1.6.2 Mod
Zombe’s Mod Pack 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download This mod pack have 26 mods, Zombe’s Mod Pack v7.2.1
so this modpack has compatible with minecraft 1.6.2. This modpack making a life
in Minecraft easier! This is one of my favorite mods, if you liked it just
download it, because i have put download
HorseAccessories 1.6.2 Mod
HorseAccessories 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 is a mod that seeks to accomplish a few simple things.
-Craftable Saddles -Craftable Horse Armor -Horses spawn in more biomes While
these items have recipes that makes them craftable, they do require some harder
items to craft such as diamonds and such to make it more difficult to
BatsDropLeather 1.6.2 Mod
CreepersNoCreeping 1.6.2 Mod
CreepersNoCreeping 1.6.2 Mod
For Minecraft 1.7.1 is a very simple Minecraft Mod that seeks to accomplish one
thing: - Creepers will now burn in Sunlight just like Skeletons or Zombies.
As part of an ongoing process, I have now including smarter AI creepers and a
few other things involving creepers natural instincts including: - Creepers will
MorphCore 1.6.2 Mod
CJB API 1.6.2 Mod
Bear Grylls 1.6.2 Mod
Bear Grylls 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 simply allows you to eat every single thing in minecraft by
holding R key (customizable). Some items/blocks give positive/negative effects
How to install Bear Grylls Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2: After you have installed
forge and have successfully launched the game, there will be a folder called
“mods” created
Coral Reef 1.6.2 Mod
How to install Coral Reef Mod
for Minecraft 1.6.2: Make sure ModLoader is installed Download and install
GuiAPI Copy corel reef zip file to .minecraft\mods You’re done! Developer:
q3hardcore Download Minecraft Coral Reef Mod [1.6.2]: For Minecraft 1.6.2/1.6.1
Coral-Reef-Mod-1.6.2/1.6.1 Coral-Reef-Mod-1.5.2
Useful Food 1.6.2 Mod
Useful Food 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Useful Food Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
Minecrafters, Useful Food add as much useful food as possible to minecraft,
without destroying the vanilla feeling of it. No extreme and complicated
recipes! The mod is supposed to be simple and useful for the user, to make food
Flintlock Guns 1.6.2 Mod
BlockPhysics 1.6.2 Mod
BlockPhysics 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 mod enables you to set the blocks of Minecraft to fall. The
falling blocks collide with each other and the mobs, causing damage and bouncing
off. You can set the mass, strength, moving behavior and a few more properties
to customize the worlds physics. How to install BlockPhysics Mod
Doggy Talents 1.6.2 Mod
FriendsOverlay 1.6.2 Mod
Project Zulu 1.6.2 Mod
Project Zulu 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 ims to create a better overworld by adding unique mobs, blocks,
strucutres, and mechanics to each biome. As time goes on I’ll be adding more to
each Biome. Everything in this mod can be disabled from the config. Mobs,
Blocks, Items, Structures. Blocks and items are disabled by
Enhanced Portals 2 1.6.2 Mod
Angry Birds 1.5.2 Mod
Angry Birds mod adds angry
birds to minecraft! Exterminate the included pigs with style and blow up
annoying villager’s houses with explosive birds! Controls and info: To activate
or “tap” the birds use the action key (defaulted to R but can be edited through
options). To place pigs use the spawner eggs in the creative
Sycralia 1.6.2 Map
The Sycralia 1.6.2 Map For
Minecraft 1.7.1 landmass is 2000×2000 so fairly small and everything is within
easy walking distance, however the ocean I made fairly hard because I didn’t
wan’t you guys seeing those ugly world borders the transition are just too ugly.
So I hope you enjoy the map! Minecraft Sycralia Map Screenshots: How
Tom and Jerry 1.6.2 Texture packs
Tom and Jerry 1.6.2 Texture
packs For Minecraft 1.7.1 ***I highly recommend getting optifine and turning up
the mipmaping to max!*** ***also, max out smooth lighting to get the full feel
of the texture*** if you really like the texture pack I could possibly make it
for regular survival/creative enjoyment as well please let me
Aether II 1.6.2 Mod
A very extensive mod for
Minecraft adding in an opposite realm to the Nether. The Aether II Mod 1.6.2
Minecraft 1.7.1 II is the sequel to the Aether I. Much has changed since the
days of the Aether I, but it still remains a collaboration between people from
various different disciplines with a shared goal
Naruto C 1.6.2 Mod
Naruto C 1.6.2 Mod For
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Naruto C Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
Minecrafters, This mod adds many items, weapons and armors from the Naruto
series. This mod work in progress and more items will be added with new updates.
Sound interesting right ? want to download and install this Naruto C
Universal Coins Mod 1.6.2
Universal Coins Mod 1.6.2
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Universal Coins Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
Minecrafters, Ever ran out of sandstone in the middle of a build? Tired of
grinding gunpowder for that TNT drill? Needing a few extra redstone stacks to
finish your Tic-Tac-Toe game? Well, search no further, because we have Universal
Wireless Redstone 1.6.2 Mod
Wireless Redstone 1.6.2 Mod –
Download Wireless Redstone Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2. Well minecrafters! one of
most popular mod have update again, The Wireless Redstone 1.6.2 Mod now has
update to v1.5 and work fine with the latest minecraft 1.6.2. Do you have radio
? not receive any signal for your radio? this is mod
Silent Hill Texture Pack 1.6.
Silent Hill Texture Pack 1.6.2
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Silent Hill Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
minecraft fans, inspired and themed after the Silent Hill franchise. It
basically makes minecraft not look like minecraft anymore, instead gives it the
character, atmosphere, and chills of a horror game, and films. Replacing happy
looking minecraft with
Paper Cut-Out Texture Pack 1.6.2
Paper Cut-Out Texture Pack
1.6.2 Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Paper Cut-Out Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.6.2.
Hello minecraft fans, Many people have made paper cut-outs that look like
objects from Minecraft, but now you can reverse that and make Minecraft look
like paper cut-outs! This pack uses shading to make the textures look like cut,
Pamplemousse Texture Pack 1.6.2
Pamplemousse Texture Pack 1.6.2
Minecraft 1.7.1– Download Pamplemousse Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
minecraft fans, This Pamplemousse is is a WIP texture pack which aims to
simulate the look and feel of an HD texture pack, within a compact 16x package.
It blends simplicity with complexity in order to create a smooth, clean, and
WillPack HD Texture Pack 1.6.2
WillPack HD Texture Pack 1.6.2
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download WillPack HD Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
minecraft fans, this pack have some realistic like details which may require you
to use optifine if you can’t handle it with mcpatcher, it’s not that strong but
because I noticed my frames trying to balance out it might
Dragon Dance Texture Pack 1.6.2
Dragon Dance Texture Pack 1.6.2
Minecraft 1.7.1 – Download Dragon Dance Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.6.2. Hello
minecraft fans, This texture pack is a smooth, clean, happy RPG. And no, that’s
not an oxymoron. Use this pack to brighten up your day with a little fantasy and
wonder. A great texture pack right ? want
The Mysterious East 1.6.2 Map
Does The Mysterious East 1.6.2
Map for Minecraft 1.7.1 not have enough “China” for you? Have you ever wished it
had some nice Chinese things? Well with the Mysterious East Map, Minecraft is
more Chinese! This map is beautifully made. The houses and forest look great.
The combat, parkour-ing, and exploring is well balanced. It
Assassin’s Revenge 1.6.2 Map
Have you ever been looking for
a good parkour Assassin’s Revenge 1.6.2 Map for Minecraft 1.7.1 ? One that also
has an interesting story? Well if you’ve been searching for days, you can stop
now. Assassin’s Revenge by Neri is a cool adventure/parkour map. The story of
this map is also a pretty interesting one.
The Chamber of the Creators 1.6.2 Map
The Chamber of the Creators
1.6.2 Map for Minecraft 1.7.1 or Minecraft 1.6.2 is an adventure and puzzle map
by ‘Jaever’. This map will put your through a series of challenges. If you pass,
you will gain access the ‘Chamber of the Creators’ map and unlock the secrets
inside. The team behind this map have
HeroBlock 1.6.2 Ma
The HeroBlock 1.6.2 Map for
Minecraft 1.7.1 is a large project made by the expert developer
‘MrScaryMuffin’. This maker is the brains behind the famous map ‘Escape Craft’,
which was enjoyed by Notch himself. This map works by allowing people to join
the map’s community and helping restore the city to its former glory. This means
LiteLoader 1.6.2 API
Halcyon Days Resource 1.6.2 Pack
Halcyon Days Resource Pack is a
brand new resource Halcyon Days Resource 1.6.2 Pack for Minecraft 1.7.1 which is
still getting its feet on the arena of Minecraft resource packs. Let’s see what
its got and if you like it support it! Halcyon Days Resource Pack for Minecraft
1.6.2 Pros and Cons Pros: Nicely done
Aeon Legacy 1.6.2 Texture Pack for Minecraft
The Aeon Legacy 1.6.2 Texture
Pack for Minecraft 1.7.1 is a bright and moody pack which will make your
experience of playing Minecraft much more enjoyable. Staying far away from the
default looks in a semi HD 32×32 format. This texture pack looks amazing in all
of the possible ways. If combined with a shaders mod,
Better Anvils 1.6.2 Mod For Minecraft 1.6.2
Have you ever been playing
Enchanted Furnace 1.6.2 Mod for Minecraft 1.7.1 and then suddenly had the crazy
idea of what it would be like if you could enchant something other than tools,
weapons, and armor? Ever wondered if you could enchant a furnace with efficiency
to make it cook faster? Or even enchanting the
A Pig’s Quest 1.6.2 Texture Pack
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